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Monday, September 17, 2012

My new blog

I have this friend who has been telling me that I need to tell other people about the things that I do.  What do I do?  Well, I don't do anything special really, if you take a look at Pinterest's DIY section there are a million other Mommys doing the same thing. 
Numerous layoffs and other financial setbacks have caused our family to drastically change the way that we live.  Its my new job to make "cents" of it all.  Create ways to still enjoy life but be able to keep the shirts on our backs.
I don't do it alone, my husband works like a rockstar.  I have strong faith in God above, and I am encouraged never to give up by my two beautiful sons.
So that is what this blog will be about, or something close to it.  I want to share with the world how I have managed to make "cents" since 2008.

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