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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Baby in a Bike Trailer

When i decided to start a blog I knew i wanted to write about things that people wanted to try but were afraid to. I am totally ok with being a guinea pig, so why not document it for the world to read? In this case the guinea pig just happens to be is my youngest son...tomato tomato. ;)
So my eldest got a bicycle for his birthday last month. Actually, it was the bike that Grandpa bought for his first Christmas, when he was a wee 4 months old. That Christmas take also included a red rider bb gun and a radio flyer wagon too! Grandpa was excited! A couple years later the bike was still brand new at grandpas house so he put a big bow on it and my son went crazy for it! He is in l.o.v.e with his new bike and wants to ride all over.
Tonight before dinner I asked him I he wanted to ride up to the grocery store with me to get some chili for chili dogs. He was so excited he ran to the garage to strap on his helmet before I even put my shoes on.
But wait, what was I going to do with little brother? I had already established he was too young to go on the bike seat behind me. His little chins hold up his big old head but not that good.
Then it hit me, what if I strap the car seat into the bike trailer! (how many of u are cringing right now?). Genius! So in goes the baby to the carrier and out to the garage we go. My husband doesn't even want a part in my latest hair brained scheme so he hooked up the trailer to my bike and went inside.
Well, I figure it's just as safe as if he were just sitting in the trailer because if you're going to get squished by a car you're going to get squished. No car seat, safety strap, aluminum frame bike trailer (that I bought 6 years ago off a bum on the Iron Horse Trail for $40) is going to prevent that.
A bungee cord, two dog leashes and a couple of adjustments later and there you have it ladies and gentlemen...a sweet bike ride for a 5 month old.
Moms and dads, get a secure fit and have fun. This baby fell asleep so fast it was like he was riding on a lullaby.
Totally making cents.
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