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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Shaving Cream Paint

My youngest was sick today so we had to stay home. They come with me to work so when one cant go, none go. So while he was napping and my big one watched Scooby Doo for the millionth time, I had some Mommy time searching Pinterest.
Now, I had seen shaving cream paint before, but I never had the time to implement it. Plus, I always saw it used in the bath tub, and at my house bath time is down to business time. Not to mention it just looked messy.
Then I came across this blog via Pinterest: Happy Hooligans . She did shaving cream paint too, but put a twist on it, using it on the sliding glass door. I loved the idea of doing it outdoors and being able to hose it down afterwards.
So we set to work. I had all of the ingredients on hand. Food coloring, shaving cream, paint brushes, craft sticks and a muffin tin. I scooted my son up on the stool and we got to it.

This is FUN!
I filled each tin with the shaving cream and let him put drops of food color in. After making sure we had a red, a yellow, a green and a blue, I let him go crazy with his own color concoctions. I used craft sticks to mix the colors in. in. Then we went outside my son had a blast painting the slider. I even got in on the action. It kept him busy for at least 40 minutes. When he started getting distracted and wanted to paint other things I decided it was clean up time. I filled a bowl with warm water and gave him a sponge to clean the glass with. Wouldn't you know playing with the water was just as fun as playing with shaving cream!
When everything was pretty well wiped off I squirted it off with the hose and viola, a nice clean window.
But we still had 'paint' left over. So I decided that tonight we paint the bath! He was so excited!
At this point all the colors were mixed together in a shade of purple-gray.
In the bath he went and I let him paint every wall. My husband at one point asked, "isn't that going to stain the grout?". Well, I hadn't thought about that! Honestly if I had we wouldn't have done it at all.
So he painted away until his fingers and toes were pruney. The walls looked like they were straight out of a horror film. But he had so much fun. It was a trip when he asked me what he could paint. As if at some point he was going to cross a clean/dirty line and Mommy would get upset. Not this time, I let him paint ever inch of the tub and walls.
Clean up was simple. After a couple times of changing the tub water and rinsing the walls off you couldn't tell. Except of course, it stained the grout. I'm not too worried, tilex will bleach it right out. I just scrubbed my tub with comet yesterday, so I'm guessing that if your tub is funky it might stain the soap scum. But the extra cleaning is worth every minute of seeing my son have a blast.
Will I do this craft again? Absolutely. They have food coloring at Grocery Outlet for $.99 and shave cream at Dollar Tree for $1. I'm guessing you can get at least 3 uses out of a full stock. Definitely making cents to me!! This was a Pinterest sail.
Next thing running around my brain? Repurposing a sink to make a backyard utility/gardening area. Hmmmmm....

Adding the food coloring
As many as you like!
This one is green

Filling the muffin cups with shaving cream.  I let him do the second one but it was better when Mom did it.

The finished colors

Painting the window

I can see you!

Jumping to paint the top of the window

Wiping down the window
Cleaning Up

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